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Why is my banana bread gummy: Best Recommendation 2023

Why is my banana bread gummy? No half-raw loaves anymore!

Baking banana bread is not a piece of cake. Even for those who have baked lots of banana bread loaves, the issues are always possible. Of course, it isn’t the most finicky of the baked goods. However, there are some points to keep in mind before you start baking banana bread.

So, why is my banana bread gummy? This question is quite popular, and there are multiple answers to it. Let’s know more about how to make banana bread that is perfectly done and incredibly tasty!

Why is my banana bread gummy inside? Looking for the issues

Gummy banana bread is a common issue for most of us who have ever tried to bake it. While looking well-baked, the loaf can be half-raw with a gummy texture inside. Well, what to do if your banana bread is gummy? Can you fix it?

There are the main reasons that can make your banana bread gummy:

#1. Over-mixing

Over-mixing banana bread is the biggest culprit of the gummy result. The wrong mixing process comes from the overdeveloped gluten in the banana bread batter.

Since gluten is a crucial element in any bread, it is also a part of the banana bread batter. The kneading process encourages the extensibility of gluten in the batter. When the gluten strands in the batter are too long, you will end up with a gummy and chewy loaf.

In fact, this process is good for some types of bread, but not for banana breads. So, the more you knead your batter, the gummier it can come at the end.

That’s why it is so important not to over-mix the batter for your banana bread. As the chemical reaction for gluten comes with water, don’t add any extra water to your batter unless your recipe calls for it. There is already enough water in bananas to boost the chemical reaction where gluten results.

In addition, the mixing process goes much better when you sift the dry ingredients such as flour and baking powder.

#2. Wrong temperature settings

Most banana bread recipes call for high baking temperatures. However, when you bake banana bread at too high an oven temperature, the loaf can seem absolutely ready outside, when there is still raw batter inside it. To make banana bread well-baked, cook it at around 350F for the best results.

What is more, the oven’s temp can be incorrect if the inner thermometer doesn’t work correctly. If the oven thermometer gives you inaccurate readings, you can’t reach the exact desired temperature when cooking.

Last but not least, the loaf pan size also matters. Using a square cake pan is the best for banana bread. A wider and shallower loaf pan can make banana bread dense without extra adjusting the oven temp.

#3. Wrong ingredients

No wonder underripe bananas are one of the most common causes of gummy banana bread. Evenly mashed bananas are key for a good loaf of banana bread. The unevenly mashed bananas affect the batter’s consistency. That’s why you should use only ripe bananas to bake better banana bread.

Be careful when measuring the ingredients. Lack or excess of them can affect your result. For example, too much water or bananas can lead to a gummy loaf.

#4. Other issues

Sometimes there may be something wrong with your baking equipment. So, if none of the reasons mentioned before is true for you, then check if your oven works right. The inaccurate oven temperature can cause all your problems with baked goods.

Don’t forget about the incorrect temp displayed on your oven. In case you have this issue in your oven’s work, you can have lots of bakery issues including gummy banana bread.

So, if half-raw banana bread is not your only problem, then you can be sure that your oven thermometer is destroyed.

Finally, the problem may hide in the recipe itself. If the list of ingredients or instructions is incorrect, you will never get a good loaf with this recipe.

To check if your recipe is right, compare it to other banana bread recipes. It will help you to find the mistakes and correct them. As a variant, you can just try another recipe when making the new loaf.

How do you fix rubbery banana bread?

Of course, when facing this gummy issue, your first question is most probably about fixing it. So, is it possible to fix this issue?

If your loaf is undercooked, place it back into the loaf pan and let it bake in the oven at 350F for about more 10 minutes. This may be enough for the desired result. If not, add another 10 minutes.

However, be careful not to burn the outside of your loaf. Try this hack if your loaf doesn’t look too crusty, or else you will just burn it.

In many cases, there is no sense to fix the gummy issue as you can hardly do it. Keep in mind that it is better to prevent gummy loaves than to fix them.

How to prevent gummy banana bread?

#1. Check the banana

The best banana bread is made of the right type of banana. So, be careful when choosing this crucial ingredient for your tasty loaf!

Usually, a banana bread recipe calls for fully ripe bananas. Unripe bananas are too firm and difficult to mash. As a result, the batter may not rise well. However, avoid using over-ripe bananas with too many black spots on them.

Use scales and weigh the bananas before mashing and adding them to the batter. It helps you to know the exact amount of mashed banana mass for your recipe. The wrong amount of banana mass can make you add more flour for better consistency. It is a short way to get dense banana bread.

#2. Follow your recipe instructions

Always follow your recipe instructions exactly. Don’t forget to measure and weigh your ingredients to be sure that you use the right amount of them! Any of your experiments can affect the quality of your banana bread batter.

  • Keep in mind that too much baking soda can affect the flavor of your banana bread. If it tastes like gingerbread, the batter contains excess baking soda.
  • Adding too much banana will make your batter thinner. As a result, your loaf will be too wet and half-raw.
  • If you add too much flour, you will get dry bread. However, not enough flour makes your loaf too wet.
  • Not enough baking powder can also make your banana bread gummy. Be sure to add the accurate amount of baking powder. Moreover, not enough baking powder makes your loaf taste like cinnamon bread.

#3. Follow the smart hacks for your ingredients

Here are some more smart hacks that can help you to avoid many cooking issues:

  • Cook with the room temperature ingredients. Too cold eggs or butter can make the batter firm.
  • Keep dry and wet ingredients separately until you mix them in the batter. This simple hack helps to avoid lumps and unmixed flour patches in the batter. A good rule of thumb is to mix wet ingredients first, and then add the dry ones.

#4. Check the consistency

Check the consistency of your batter. The mixture should be thick enough and slightly pourable. It should mound up, but not sit on top of itself.

If the mixture is too thick, loosen it with a spoonful of milk or water. A too-runny batter can be fixed with a spoonful of flour that thickens it.

#5. Watch out for the baking powder

As you already know, your loaf may be gummy because of not enough baking powder or baking soda added to the batter.

Make sure to add enough baking powder or baking soda to the batter. They are key ingredients that make your banana bread rise. The fluffy and a little crumbly structure of your bread depends on the right amount of baking powder or baking soda.

#6. Control the temperature

Generally, the recommended cooking temperature for banana bread ranges between 325-375°F (163-190°C). Since that’s a wide range, baking issues may happen. Moreover, if your oven is a bit off from what it says, you can’t be sure what the actual oven temp is.

Make sure that your oven’s internal thermometer works correctly. If you have any doubts, use an oven thermometer that shows you an accurate temp.

To ensure that your banana bread is baking correctly, test it with a wooden toothpick, a cake tester, or just a knife. Insert any of these into the middle of the loaf. If the tester comes out clean and free of batter, the loaf is done. If not, let your loaf bake a bit more, and repeat a toothpick test every 5-10 min.

However, to make this test, you need to open the oven door. So, don’t open the oven door too often, and don’t let it open. It lowers the inside temp and releases air pressure inside the baking chamber. Since the opened oven door affects the baking process, always keep it closed while baking.

What is a successful banana bread?

If you have never baked banana bread before, you have a lot of questions about it. One of them is how to understand if your bread is successful.

So, if you do everything right, here are some evident signs of perfect banana bread.


  • Look at the top of your banana bread loaf. If it is golden brown and has a toasty crust, it is a good sign of well-baked banana bread. The edges are normally a bit pulled away from the sides.
  • If you can see a crack or fracture on top of the loaf, it is one more desirable sign for this type of bread.


  • Touch the loaf to check its texture. The loaf should be firm enough when well-baked. However, it should be bouncy as well. Press the loaf gently to make sure it bounces back.
  • Then, cut a slice to see the texture inside. The perfect banana bread is fluffy, moist, and slightly crumbly.
  • To make sure your banana bread is baked thoroughly, check it with a wooden stick or a knife. Insert it into the center of your loaf, and then take it out again. If it comes out clean, your banana bread is incredibly done!


  • Check the scent and taste of your banana bread. When baking, you can feel the warm and sweet scent of your banana bread.
  • Depending on the recipes, there may be some extra scents of other ingredients such as nuts, cinnamon, vanilla extract, chocolate chips, or many others.
  • Then, taste your banana bread. A gentle natural banana taste with a slightly buttery flavor is a sign of thoroughly baked banana bread.


How do you fix gummy bread?

Mainly, a gummy loaf of bread is an undercooked loaf of bread. This issue happens when the outside of your bread is fully set, while the inside is still half-raw and gummy.

To troubleshoot this issue, return the loaf to the preheated oven and bake it at 350° F for 10-20 minutes.

Why does my banana bread not cook in the middle?

It is a common issue for banana bread. The wrong oven temperature settings are a common cause that makes banana bread look fully set while it is actually undercooked, claggy, and gummy inside.

In a standard banana bread recipe, the best oven temperature is 350 degrees Fahrenheit. Make sure you set the temperature correctly before baking your banana bread.

Why is my bread gummy inside?

In most cases, gummy bread is undone bread. When the oven temp is not adjusted well, the baking process involves only the outside of your loaf while it is still raw and gummy inside. Control the temperature to bake your bread evenly.

In other cases, gummy bread is a result of under-fermentation. That’s why bread batter needs to rise well. If the batter is not fermented enough, it is not ready for baking yet.

One more cause is the excess moisture in your batter or too much gluten that makes your bread extra claggy and gummy. So, be attentive and follow the recipe instructions.

Final thoughts

Why is my banana bread gummy? As you can see, the answers may differ but the result is just the same. So, it is better to prevent gummy banana bread than to deal with it.

We hope that our hacks will be helpful for you, and now you know how to bake the best banana bread!

Read also: Can You Make Banana Bread Batter Ahead Of Time? 3 Findings!

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