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How long to let bread cool: best tips & helpful recommendations

How long to let bread cool: all answers

Baking bread is a very entertaining process that almost every housewife faces. However, after the bread has been baked, it must be cooled properly. You can read more about how long to let bread cool in this article.

how long to let bread cool

Can I cool bread quickly? Cooling time

It is impossible to accurately answer the question of how long to let bread cool. After all, it all depends on what type of bread you cooked.

If you wonder how long to let bread cool, then you should know that small rolls are cooled in a third of an hour.

  • You need to wait for about an hour for the bread to cool if you use a bread machine.
  • If you were preparing a small warm loaf, then let the bread cool for up to 3 hours.
  • You need to let the sourdough bread cool for about 8 hours.
  • The rye bread may cool even for a few days.

It is extremely important to let the bread cool as much as possible. However, not everyone can afford to wait for cool bread for several days. In this case, you can focus on your feelings.

Steam comes out naturally

If you are not prepared to wait for the bread to cool naturally and cut into warm bread, you risk spoiling the taste of bread.

The thing is that cutting warm bread leads to its rapid drying.

If the bread is allowed to cool in its entirety, the process will be slow. However, due to naturalness, moisture and freshness are preserved. If the bread is allowed to cool naturally, its original texture is preserved. And it will last for days.

Improving the quality of taste

If the bread cools naturally, it will acquire a pleasant aroma. As the bread cools, the development of aromas will intensify. This is best noted when you are working with sourdough bread or rye bread.

Best tool for cooling

Many people are trying to figure out how long to let the bread cool. However, the best place for this has yet to be determined. It is better to use a special cooling rack. It is made from stainless steel or durable aluminum.

Choose designs that last a long time and are suitable for washing in the dishwasher. If you often bake bread, then it is better to look for a cooling rack with several tiers.

Once you have determined how long to let bread cool, it is extremely important to take the bread out of the baking dish, too. If this is not done, then a soggy crust will form, which spoils all the tasting impressions. Therefore, bread for cooling is placed on a special tray.

It evenly distributes the air around when you allow the bread to cool. This will give the bread a crispy texture.

Immediate process

Before examining the question of how long to let the bread cool, it is necessary to determine the processes taking place with your fragrant and crispy pastries at this moment. As the hot bread cools, the pieces will cool unevenly.

The crust cools down quickly. But it doesn’t happen that fast with the inside of your delicious bread.

As a result, there is a movement of moisture from the central part of the bread.

Because of this, the texture of the product changes. When water molecules leave the center, they begin to evaporate under the influence of air.

However, the process of cooling bread involves other phenomena. When the bread baking takes place, the starch molecules begin to resemble gelatin. They acquire a sticky and liquid texture.

If you cut bread that is not warm enough, it will be loose. It may stick to your hands. It looks a bit like raw bread dough. As the baked bread will cool, the starch molecules begin to retrograde.

Starch retrogradation refers to the reverse process of gelatinization. When starch retrogradation begins, bread crumbs bind together. If you let the bread, the soft part becomes firm.

Inside the crumb that hardens, there are water molecules. When water molecules are captured, they make the crumb soft. However, if you let the bread cool for a long time, then the water molecules will evaporate. Because of this, the product will become dry and become stale.

A bread baker and experienced housewife know that improvement in taste begins as the bread will cool. Homemade bread that has just been taken out of the oven will crackle a little more. This is due to the absorption of water by starch. As a result, the starch molecules burst, which makes the original sound.

As you cool the bread, it will shrink. If a grain loaf of bread or rye bread has been steamed, the hard crust will crack.

Bread cooling principles for most popular types

Often people wonder how long whole-grain bread will cool. You need to understand that this bread will be cooled longer. This is because a homemade whole-grain loaf of bread has a complex structure. Therefore, it will absorb moisture longer.

The flour for this loaf contains many proteins that form rigid bonds. This keeps the cooled bread moist. On average, the bread takes a long time to cool. Try to let the bread cool for about a day.

Bread cooling is best done using a special grate.

The principle of storing bread

It is not enough to know how long to let the bread cool. You also need to determine how to properly store bread. Do not leave the product in the loaf pan or just on the cooling rack.

Once the baking process is completed, remove the product and let the bread cool. Then you should cover bread with a cloth that allows air to pass through well enough.

Do not use the wrap for it. After all, it blocks the flow of air. It is best to cover bread with a kitchen towel or lint-free cloth. After that, put the soft bread that has cooled down in a box or bread box. The main thing is that there are no drafts.

Possibility of freezing homemade bread

If you are sure that you can not use pastries within a few days, then it is better to freeze them.

Frozen bread keeps in the freezer for several months.

After that, you can unfreeze fresh bread. And the question arises, how long to let the bread thaw? You must leave the freezing bread in the refrigerator overnight.

Rules for storing bread dough

If you are not ready to use it right away, you can put it in the refrigerator. Under such conditions, bread dough will be stored from 8 hours to 2-3 days. This method helps the finished baking to be more fragrant and have a better taste.

The principle of heating bread

If the bread is cool after being refrigerated, it does not taste the best.

Therefore, it is better to warm it up. It is better to first cut the cooled bread into slices, and let it in the oven for a few minutes. The oven temperature should be around 350℉.

When can you cut bread?

The cooked bread must be cooled down. So it is easier for you to cut it into portions.

Once the bread reaches room temperature, you can slice it.

If you prefer hotter bread, then you should not give it up and use cool bread. You can place slices of bread in the oven for a few minutes.

What happens if the bread doesn’t cool?

Insufficient cooling of the bread results in the product being viscous and sticky. This degrades the taste.

Should bread be refrigerated before storage?

If you decide to freeze bread, then it must first be cool. Otherwise, the texture will be damaged.

Shelf life of bread baked

Cool bread does not keep for long. On average, you should eat it in 4 days. Just remember that storage on the table is undesirable. It is better to give preference to a bread box.

If you store bread in the freezer, it should first be wrapped in plastic wrap. You can also use an airtight container. This prevents the negative effects of the freezer.

The need to cover the bread

While the bread is cooling, it is better not to cover it. Otherwise, the crust gets a wet texture. Some cooks advise using a kitchen towel as a cape.


When it comes to the process when you need bread to cool, there are many questions to ask.

How long do you let bread cool before taking it out of the pan?

Can’t tell you the exact time. It all depends on what kind of bread you are making.

How do you cool bread after baking?

You can use one of two methods. The first is the use of a special tray. You can also place the bread on its side so that the base does not touch the table.

What happens if you cut bread before it cools?

If you cut the bread before it has cooled, you run the risk of ruining the core, and it becomes crumbly.

Do you have to wait for bread to cool before eating?

Yes, it will be better. This prevents burns.


As you can see, you need to cool the bread correctly, and for a certain amount of time. It all depends on what kind of bread you bake.

Now I am sure that your pastries will turn out very fragrant, tasty, and not burnt at all.

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