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can i turn my shed into a commercial kitchen

Can I Turn My Shed Into a Commercial Kitchen? : Facts

Having an unused backyard shed can lead us to many ideas. For cooking experts or food lovers, the idea can be converting the shed into a commercial kitchen.

Undoubtedly, it’s a genius idea. If your backyard shed becomes one of your earning sources, there is no bad at all. 

But, when converting a shed into a commercial kitchen, there are many facts to think about. Also will need to install new appliances so capital is needed.

Now, let’s get into your question- “Can I turn my shed into a commercial kitchen?”

Obviously, you can. All you need is capital for installing appliances. Before that, according to space, make a plan and renovate the shed by painting and adding a countertop. Don’t forget about the ventilation system. It will cost around 25000-70000$ to convert the shed into a commercial kitchen.

Now let’s tear up the facts and will know them in detail.

Can I Turn My Shed Into A Commercial Kitchen?

If you own a shed in your backyard then turning it into a commercial kitchen is a great idea. Also, if you are a cooking expert having commercial ideas then let’s make them true.

Not only that, you can even sell BBQ from your home as well.

Turning a shed into a commercial kitchen can be a genius startup idea Also. Because, as you have your own shade, you will not have to pay the rent. 

 Many people’s question is – can I turn my home kitchen into a commercial kitchen? The answer is no.  But, your unused shed is giving you this opportunity.

A food business in one’s own space is a dream for many food lovers. So, why think so much? 

As you know, you can turn your shed into a commercial kitchen, now you need to know about the facts.

To convert a shed into a commercial kitchen, you will have to go through these steps

  • Take Permission from the city head or Check the terms of your area
  • Planning 
  • Capital
  • Renovation 
  • Buying and installing  Appliances 
  • Connecting the electrical wires and plumbing
  • Adding Ventilating system
  • Adding sinks, countertops, etc.
  • Dining space
  • Decorating 

Also you will have to take care about these facts

  • Food storage
  •  Preparation
  • Cooking
  • Maintenance

Now let’s know the details, the steps and also about the facts.

Turning a Shed Into a Commercial Kitchen: Check the Terms of Your City

In every city or state, there are specific terms and rules. So, when converting your kitchen shed into a commercial kitchen, check the rules of your city first.

Usually, in the matter of making a commercial kitchen, there are no restrictions if you meet the codes of your area.

But, for safety check again. So that there remains no confusion about starting your renovation of the shed to a commercial kitchen. 

Turning Shed Into a Commercial Kitchen: Proper Planning is Needed 

Before starting the work on your shed, planning is a must. Without planning, the work will be hard. There are high chances to get a messy commercial kitchen if you don’t plan wisely.

So, first of all, measure your shed and plan according to the measurement.

By planning you will understand the appliance size for buying. Also, you can make a figure by taking the help of an architect. 

By this, your commercial kitchen will be well designed. This design also depends on the type of kitchen you want to make. If the expectation is, to turn a shed into abakery, the design will have to be according to it.

turn a shed into a bakery

The main thing is the design will be according to your dream commercial kitchen.

Capital / Savings:

For turning your shed into a commercial kitchen, you must have savings or capital for it.

You know, you will have to renovate and fix your shed and buy commercial equipment and appliances. So, you will need a good amount of capital.

Without it, you can’t get into the other steps.

But, the main benefit of the shed commercial kitchen is you don’t have to pay rent or provide any advance money for getting the space. 


Renovate According to planning. Decide whether the kitchen will be the shed commercial kitchen or an open kitchen or others.  And then start renovating.

For renovating choose whether you want the kitchen layout

  • Line Assembly
  • Zone-style layout
  • Island Layout
  • Galley layout or
  • An open kitchen 

According to your wish, add equipment and renovate it. 

Also, one important thing is the condition of the shed. If the shed is not well in condition or limp then fix that first.

So, first of all, contact the inspection company, to know the strength of the shed. Then if needed repair it.

After repairing, you can add commercial kitchen wall shelves. But, before that don’t forget to call a professional painter to paint your commercial kitchen nicely.

Buying and Installing Appliances: 

Buying and installing appliances for converting your shed into a commercial kitchen is one of the most important steps.

First, in your planning segment, do a list of the appliances you need for your commercial kitchen.

Usually, these appliances are needed for a commercial kitchen shed

  • Commercial Ovens
  • Commercial Ranges
  • Commercial Toaster
  • Commercial Fryers
  • Commercial Freezer
  • Commercial Grills
  • Steam Cooking Equipment
  • Concession Equipment
  • Commercial Exhaust Hoods
  • Fire detectors and alarms

The list can be exaggerated if you have specific and unique ideas. Then according to your plan, buy the appliances.

But, ranges, ovens, fryers, freezers, etc. are the most important equipment to have in your Commercial kitchen.

After buying the appliances, now you need to install them. For installing it is better if you take the help of a professional hand.

Connecting the Electrical Wires and Plumbing:

Without connecting electricity, a commercial kitchen is nothing. As for running the appliances, an electric connection is a must.

Also, the wiring system should be perfect. So that you don’t face any dangerous situations due to the commercial kitchen.

Plumbing is another necessity for the commercial kitchen. Because for cleaning or cooking, water is a must.

So, you must focus on wiring and plumbing while planning the commercial kitchen. And wiring and plumbing both require a professional hand. 

Add Sinks, Countertops, and Others:

These are must to install. After plumbing and wiring add kitchen sinks. Also the countertops and the cabinets.

These will make your kitchen clean and organized.

To keep your commercial kitchen clean, you can follow this video Commercial Kitchen Cleaning – Caterclean – Rentokil Hygiene

Add the Ventilation System:

Adding a ventilation system to your commercial kitchen is one of the most important tasks. Without a ventilation system, you or the employee will face excessive heat and gas in the kitchen. 

Also, it may lead to the poisoning of carbon monoxide. So, for having a good environment in the commercial kitchen, installing a ventilation system is a must.

Adding a Decorated Dining Space:

Adding a dining space to your commercial kitchen is important. The dining space should be a well environmental space for customers to have their food.

A well decorated dining space with good food always attracts the customers. So, don’t forget to focus on that.

Also in the dining space you can create a section where the customer will pay the bill. 

Also you will need to focus on more facts. Let’s know about these facts shortly.

Food Storage:

When you are planning to have a commercial kitchen, focus on the storage too. Because, you will need to store both frozen and dry ingredients.

If you don’t store ingredients properly, you will only get a loss from your commercial kitchen.

Preparation for Making Foods:

Only electric appliances are not enough for preparing the food. You will also need various types of bowls, plates and crockery items.

So, for preparing food, use multi purpose crockery items for increasing the pace of your work.


The most important one is cooking. Better cooking will lead to the best foods.

And, tools like grill smoker boxes can make the cooking experience even better.

So, if you are a cooking expert then you can be the chef of your own commercial kitchen. But if not then try to hire chefs.


Preparation for taking orders from customers should be organized when you have a commercial kitchen.

You need to clean the utensils, dry them and also need to keep the kitchen clean. So, you may need to hire staff for your commercial kitchen.

So, for maintenance you can depend on technology. Like for showing the items you can use monitors and also can install restaurant commercial websites.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Can I Make a Kitchen in A Shed?

Yes. You will need cooking equipment and appliances for it. You can turn the shed into the kitchen with your old kitchen appliances too. 

How Much Does it Cost to Turn A Shed into an Office?

It will cost around 1500 $ – 30,000$ to convert your shed into an office. You will need furniture, equipment, materials, Electric connection and others.

What is A Shed Kitchen? 

A shed kitchen is an outside kitchen from your house which lets you even cook while it is raining. It is also known as a backyard kitchen with a shed. As it has a shed, leaves or dirt will not fall while cooking.


Can I turn my shed into a commercial kitchen? – Now you know that it is possible to convert your shed into a commercial kitchen.

All you need is capital or savings and good planning. Because you will need to add and install appliances, dining space, and many more. 

Also, you will need to think about the after-commercial kitchen phase before. Because you will need to store the system and have maintenance of the commercial kitchen.

So, make a proper plan and start your business. Best of Luck.


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